Rollin' down the green

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Planting Trees

Grandma and Grandpa decided to start an orchard on their property and gave the grandkids the opportunity to pick out and plant their very own fruit tree. We talked about what kind of tree the boys would like to plant. Caden chose a nectarine tree and Lukas an apple tree. After picking the tree out and planting it, Lukas had a hard time understanding why his tree didn't have any apples to eat on it yet.


Cindy said...

Hi Deanna, I am one of the Ohio Elmerick's. Your boys are cute. The last time I saw Jeff, he was close to the age your boys are now. Maybe one of these days I will get out there for a visit. I like your blog, it is nice to keep up with the family!

Bethany Routh said...

Hey Deanna! Love the new pic, the boys are getting so tall! It's almost birthday season...ARE YOU READY??? :) Hope you are all doing great. Take care!

Kay Elmerick said...

I am with Lukas, He is a true Elmerick, instant gratification now. I am surprised that Grandpa Bob didn't arrange that for Lukas.